
Confirmation Preparation is led by the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) and a team of VIRTUS certified volunteers that foster a relationship with Jesus Christ through teaching the traditions of the Catholic Church.

The Sacrament of Confirmation, is the experience of allowing the Holy Spirit to confirm within the individual the promises and commitments, made on their behalf, at their Baptism. The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be delivered through eight, in-person “Confirmation Connection” nights, that will be attended by the youth desiring Confirmation, and the Parent(s) and/or Sponsor.


Confirmation preparation is for 8th graders (and possibly those going through OCIC) who desire to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation Connection nights will include those who attend our Most Blessed Sacrament School as well.
Those not attending Most Blessed Sacrament School are expected to attend (ADORE) Youth Group regularly on Sunday evenings as best as their calendar can accommodate.


Confirmation Connection nights will be held on select Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm-7:30pm.
The Confirmation Mass will be held on Wednesday, April 30th, 2025.

See the calendar below.


Confirmation Connection nights will be held in the Donnelly Neighborhood Center.
The Confirmation Mass will be held at Rosary Cathedral.

See the locations tab below for exact Google Maps pins.

Sponsor Requirements

  • Must be at least 16 years old.
  • Must be an active, practicing Catholic and in good standing with the church, following the five requirements for what it means to be a practicing Catholic:
    • Attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
    • Confession of serious sin at least once a year
    • Reception of Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season
    • Observance of the days of fast and abstinence
    • Providing for the needs of the Church
  • Must have received the Catholic initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist).
  • Cannot be a parent or step-parent.

Submission Requirements for Sponsors

Sponsors will need to submit the following to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson):

  • Fill out the online information form present after the first Confirmation Connection night.
  • A form of eligibility filled out and signed by the parish where the sponsor is presently registered. This form will be provided after the first Confirmation Connection night.
  • A copy of their Baptism certificate.

Important information throughout the Confirmation preparation will be found here beginning after the first Confirmation Connection night. (i.e. saint name information, dress code, works of mercy, letter to the pastor, interviews, videos, etc.)

The Confirmation Mass, will be held on Wednesday, April 30th, 2025, at 7pm, at Rosary Cathedral. 


Friday, August 23

  • Event: Confirmation: Registration Opens


Friday, September 13

  • Event: Confirmation: Registration Deadline

Wednesday, September 18

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s)


Wednesday, October 9

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor


Wednesday, November 6

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor


Wednesday, December 4

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor


Wednesday, January 22

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor


Wednesday, February 12

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor


Saturday, March 1

  • Event: Confirmation Retreat
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 4pm-10pm
  • Location: Church / Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student

Wednesday, March 12

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor


Wednesday, April 9

  • Event: Confirmation Connection
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Location: Donnelly Neighborhood Center
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor

Wednesday, April 30

  • Event: Confirmation Mass
  • Grade: 8th
  • Time: 7pm Mass / 6:30pm Arrival
  • Location: Rosary Cathedral
  • Participants: Student w/ Parent(s) and/or Sponsor

Location: The Donnelly Neighborhood Center

The Donnelly Neighborhood Center is located right next to Close Park along Bellevue Road, and just north of our church. The Center is home to our School, Gym, Kitchen, and Kelly Room. Families/Students will enter through the school office doors. An exact Google Maps pin for the building is provided below.

Location: Rosary Cathedral

Confirmation preparation fees help the Parish operate the Confirmation preparation program and pays for your student’s experience. Please see below what is owed based on how many students are registered. Most Blessed Sacrament School Students do not owe fees for Confirmation preparation.

1 Student = $50 (Total)
2 Students = $90 (Total)
3 Students or More = $100 (Total)

Electronic payments are preferred and can be made through a link that is present below. Make sure to select “One-time” and then “Confirmation Prep” from the drop down menu.

Check payments are to be presented to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) or the parish office and written out to “Most Blessed Sacrament Parish” and “Confirmation Prep” in the memo. 

Cash payments are to be presented to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) or the parish office. 

Financial concerns should never prevent you from enrolling your child(ren) in our Youth Faith Formation programs. If you have questions regarding financial assistance, please call  the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) and indicate your financial concern on the registration form.

Our Confirmation preparation program thrives with the support of volunteers from our parish. If you or someone you know is interested in helping pass on our faith and traditions to young people by donating your time and presence, please reach out soon. All volunteers must be 18 years or older, and pass a background check and complete the online VIRTUS training. Contact The Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) to inquire further.


Communications related to the Confirmation preparation program will primarily be sent out to the emails addresses provided in the registration form, from the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson).

Families may also receive emails via our parish wide Constant Contact tool, and text messages.

Safe Environments

Leadership and Volunteers
All volunteers must be 18 years or older, and pass a background check and complete the online VIRTUS training “Protecting God’s Children”. Contact the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) to inquire further. 

Empowering God’s Children Lessons
As a Catholic Church of the Diocese of Toledo, each year we are mandated to share information and content provided to us from VIRTUS Online with the children registered for our Youth Faith Formation programs. Most Blessed Sacrament Parish is in the process of creating a dedicated page on the parish website detailing what that information shared with the registered children will include. Parents are given the choice to have their children “opt out” of the lessons by submitting a request to do so.

Empowering God’s Children lessons will be clearly labeled on the Youth Faith Formation program calendars found on their respective web pages; and will not be shown the first night of the respective programs.

“The job of ensuring children’s safety is a challenging undertaking. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem. We must also give our children the tools they need to overcome the advances of someone who intends to do them harm. The Teaching Safety program guide is a tool designed to assist parents and teachers in this important task. The Teaching Safety program is a vehicle through which parents, teachers, catechists, and youth ministers give children and young people the tools they need to protect themselves from those who might harm them.” – VIRTUS Online

Complete information will be announced prior to the start of Youth Faith Formation programs.

Inclement Weather

Winter Weather
If Most Blessed Sacrament School closes for any reason, then the Confirmation Connection night will be canceled for that evening and rescheduled (or made to do at home). 

If a level two or three is active after the school day ends, and/or is heavily predicted to occur during the Religious Education then classes will be canceled for that evening. 

Other Conditions (i.e. rain, flooding, wind, downed trees, etc.)
Registered families will be updated via email as to the availability of having the Confirmation Connection night.

Behavioral Expectations

Youth Faith Formation is the umbrella name that Religious Education, Confirmation, Youth Group, and OCIC fall underneath. All Youth Faith Formation events/classes are an opportunity for children/teens to exercise respect and virtue. If a child/teen is struggling to behave respectfully towards leadership, volunteers, peers, and the facilities, we utilize the 1 – 2 – 3 approach to handle discipline issues with our participants. First, the Youth Faith Formation Volunteer(s) will try to redirect the student’s behavior in a positive direction. Second, the student will be given a verbal warning. Third, the student will be sent to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) and the parent will be notified. If further discipline is needed, a plan will be decided on between the Director and parents. Note that Youth Faith Formation Volunteer(s) are encouraged to discuss any situation with the parish staff and the parents. Everyone is expected to work together for what is best for all involved. We strive for positive behavioral reinforcement and choices.

Drop Off & Pick Up

This policy is naturally altered due to Parent(s) and/or the Sponsor being present at Confirmation Connection nights, though the spirit of it remains the same. 

Parents must walk their child to their classroom and sign their child in and out. Religious Education/Confirmation program volunteers cannot release children without an adult picking them up personally. If someone is picking up a child that would not be typical to the Religious Education volunteers, parents are to inform the  Religious Education/Confirmation program prior to class/Confirmation Connection.

All students should arrive on time.

Younger students should arrive a few minutes early to use the restroom prior to class.

Please be on time for pick up at the end of class/Confirmation Connection.


Ryan Adamson 
Director of Formation and Engagement 
(419) 472-2288 ext. 2204