Sunday Offertory

The Sunday offertory provides funding to meet the everyday expenses of the operating budget as well as to supplement student tuition for students of our Parish. Offertory envelopes are mailed to Parishioners quarterly and direct deposit and credit card giving is available. Additional donations may be dropped into the collection basket or sent to the Parish Center.

Annual Fund

The purpose of the fund shall be support the work of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish. Gifts may be made by contacting the Parish Center or by following the link below

Memorial Opportunities

Sponsor a liturgical item either in memory of someone or in honor of a person or family. If you would like to participate in this opportunity, please contact the Parish Center.

For more information, contact:

The Parish Center
Phone: 419-472-2288
Email: Krista
2240 Castlewood Drive
Toledo, Ohio 43613