The first graders take all that they learned in Kindergarten and begin to apply it to broader topics. Curriculum follows the Diocese of Toledo Courses of Study, which are very similar to the State of Ohio Standards. Our Catholic faith dives a little deeper in first grade and the students learn more about the Old and New Testaments in the Bible. Students attend weekly Mass, learn about prayer, and begin to identify with other parts of our faith. All of the phonological awareness they have learned gets applied to word recognition and phonics skills that help them begin to decode and spell words. Writing skills begin to develop and students demonstrate an understanding of print concepts, sentence structures, and learning different styles of writing. Reading becomes focused on fluency and comprehension skills as well as reading with expression. Mathematics continues with numbers and operations, but problem solving is added in order to add a higher level of thinking. Students are guided to work precisely and to solve problems with reasoning. First Graders will use tools to help them model and solve mathematical equations. Students will use Geometry and Measurement tools to help master these mathematical skills, as well as discovering the patterns that exist in mathematics. First Grade students also learn basic Life, Physical, and Earth Science material as well as Social Studies principles in history, geography, and culture. These may be taught cross-curricularly through the reading and math curriculum. The experiences do not stop with the core curriculum, First Graders participate in physical education, visual arts, music, and Spanish