Family’s and Adults

Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
To welcome all baptized and unbaptized people of all faiths who wish to inquire about the Catholic faith. RCIA provides catechesis of the Catholic faith, spiritual guidance and sacramental resolution for the inquirers. If after an appropriate time the catechumen or candidate desires to enter the Catholic Church, they will be received, usually at the Easter Vigil, with the appropriate sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Contact Father Keith Stripe for more information at

Join us for a beautiful Holy Hour as we adore our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist with praise, prayer, music, and adoration! What a wonderful spiritual activity to do as a family and as a parish! All are welcome – invite family, friends, and neighbors! GLORIFY is usually held on the second Sunday of every other month. In addition LIVE IT (small faith groups) meet to discuss the Sunday Scripture and how to implement them in our lives. Contact Joan Martinez at or Cathy Ehlert at for more information.
Cursillo is a Catholic lay movement embraced by the Diocese of Toledo to bring hearts closer to Jesus Christ in order to be of service to the whole Church. The Cursillo is an encounter with Christ. It promotes a spiritual revitalization. By living a full Christian life, we bring Christ to others, including member of our family, school, workplace, etc. The Cursillo Movement is introduced over a “Three Day Weekend”. During the three-day weekend, which begins Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening, a team of religious and lay personnel present a series of talks to the candidates and the entire group calls upon the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and guidance. The team and candidates live as a small Christian community over the weekend and discuss these talks in small groups. The discussions provide an opportunity to share insights about the presentations and hear how others received that same presentation. The talks and discussions cover a variety of topics. For mor information, contact Bill or Judy Owens at 419-475-9071 or

Parish Mission
We partner with Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Clement and Regina Coeli Parishes to present an annual Lenten mission. Contact Kathy Bonfiglio at 419-474-1094 or

St. Mother Teresa Ministry
St. Mother Teresa Ministry would like to provide services for our elderly parishioners, such as transportation, light housekeeping, weekly social visits and is looking for volunteers to help. If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information, please contact Cathy Ehlert at 419-913-4654, or Cathie Breed at 419-490-1506,
To help with Tent City help provide food items to be served to the homeless during the annual Tent City in downtown Toledo or to volunteer for Christmas Caroling to our elderly parishioners in Nursing facilities and at their homes during the Advent season, Contact Amy Aubry at

That Man is You (TMIY)
To catechize and develop men into Catholic Christian male leaders of their homes and at work. Contact Chuck Dobson at 734-856-8742 or

Theology on Tap
The objective of RENEW Theology on Tapis to provide an opportunity for Catholic parishes and groups to share the richness of Catholic faith with young adults, and offer a setting where people of similar values and faith can gather in a peer community. Theology on Tap is meant to be an invitation for young adults to learn more about their faith and to share in the Catholic community. Contact Michelle Carey,

Prison Ministry
The Prison Ministry Team is a lay movement that endeavors to bring the name of Jesus Christ and knowledge of His Word to those in prison. This is done by conducting retreats inside prisons for the Catholic inmates, stressing evangelization and spreading of the Word within the prison itself, as well as forgiveness, Christ’s love, hope and peace. The team trains others to go to other prisons and put on programs with the goal of the inmates themselves eventually conducting future retreats. Contact Bill and Judy Owens at 419-475-9071or

Holy Orders
When a gentleman feels the call to follow the Lord as Priest in the Catholic Church he should contact Father Philip Smith, our Diocesan Vocation Director, 419-244-6711 or speak to one of the Parish Priests. If the Permanent Diaconate is of interest to a gentleman he should call Deacon Hal Welch, our Delegate for Deacons at 419-244-6711 or speak to one of the Deacons of the Parish.

Engaged Couples Conference
To instill in couples who attend this conference a sense of the spiritual foundation they will receive in the Sacrament of Marriage, and to provide them with a basis for success in their futures together as husband and wife. Contact Krista Gonzalez-Luce at or 419-472-2288.
Baptism Preparation
To prepare families to more fully understand the Sacrament of Baptism. To welcome parents as they seek the Sacrament of Baptism for their children, to explain the ceremony and symbolism of the Sacrament, to present guidelines for choosing Godparents, and promote awareness of the essential responsibilities parents have as educators of their children in the Catholic faith. Sessions for parents of children, ages 0-6, are held the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. Contact Krista Gonzalez-Luce at 419-472-2288 or

Children and Young Adults

Most Blessed Sacrament Parish School
The school recognizes the need for collaboration between teachers and parents as the primary educators of their children. We commit ourselves to help each child grow in awareness of God, others and self by providing excellent religious and academic education. These experiences reinforce the Christian values implanted and nurtured at home. Our mission is to educate the whole child spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially and physically. Our graduates are better prepared for High School, College and Life. Contact the Principal-Minister Melissa Empie at 419-471-1121 or e-mail her at or the Operations Manager, Jeremy Demagall, at 419-472-2288 or to sign up today.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
To help young children prepare for the sacraments and participate in the life of Christ with hands-on materials in a dedicated space called the Atrium. Young children already have a relationship with God which is nurtured with the help of catechists and Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Contact Karen Momenee at 419-472-0620 or
Early Childhood Education Center (Pre-School)
For the young children to become more self-sufficient, confident and to have a positive, fun-loving, well rounded learning experience in a Catholic environment. We have a dedicated space called the “Atrium” where young children with the help of Jesus, the Good Shepherd; with the Word found in the Bible, they learn about the faith. Contact Director Christine Kummer at

Religious Education
To pass along the faith and provide sacramental preparation to students in grades 1 through 8, for the future reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Contact the parish office or Ryan Adamson for more information at 419-472-2288 or

To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
The Boy Scouts of America will prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law. For more information visit
Girl Scouts and Brownies: Building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place through the Girl Scout Promise and Law. For more information visit

Youth Group
If you are interested in getting involved with the new Most Blessed Sacrament Youth Group (grades 6 – 12) check out the Youth Group Page or contact Ryan Adamson, Coordinator of Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry at

Youth Board (CYO)
To establish a program which includes Christian ideals, fairness, and competitive spirit; which gives direction to coordinators, coaches, players, and other youth leaders; and which provides communication with parents. It also is to raise funding for sport and scouting programs, to keep player fees at a reasonable rate for all who want to participate. Contact Ashley Gable at