We, The Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, and all the people dedicated to the Eucharist, pray in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel, open 24/7. Contact the Parish Office.

Altar Servers
To provide service opportunities for young men and women 4th grade and up, increase their love of the liturgy and the Eucharist, and to encourage the vocational life. For more information on altar serving, training, and scheduling, contact Drew Smith at 419-472-2288 or dsmith@mbsptoledo.org

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
As Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, we dedicate ourselves to serving Holy Communion to the Catholic faithful at Mass. To become an EMHC or would like more information, contact the parish office.

Funeral Luncheons
This ministry provides a meal for family and friends of the deceased following funerals at Blessed Sacrament. Contact the Parish Office.

Homebound Eucharist Ministry
As Eucharist Ministers of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, we dedicate ourselves to bringing Holy Communion to those who are sick and unable to leave their homes. We will be caring and compassionate to those who may be suffering and in need of our prayers. Contact Lori Kehres, 419-474-0609 or lmkehres@att.net.

The Hospitality Ministry is designed to provide coffee, punch, and finger food after the Sunday Masses and on special occasions (e.g., Easter Vigil, All Souls Day). The belief is that parishioners will spend some time after the Masses getting to know new people, renew old friendships, participate in and create camaraderie within the parish. Contact the parish office for more information.

Parishioners proclaim the Word effectively at Mass through the training and resources provided for this ministry. For more information, contact the parish office.

Mass Coordinators
Mass Coordinators set up bread, wine, and other items needed for Mass. Contact Father Keith Stripe at kstripe@mbsptoledo.org

Music Ministry
The Adult Choir and Contemporary Ensemble welcome all new singers and musicians to help the assembly participate more fully in the liturgy. For more information, contact Drew Smith, Director of Liturgical Music, at 419-472-2288 or dsmith@mbsptoledo.org.

Prayer Chains
Our parish has two prayer chains. For the phone prayer chain, contact Mary Jo Antalek, 419-472-3029. For the email prayer chain, contact Debbie Marciniak at deanmakoma@gmail.com.

Sacristy Cleaners
The Sacristy Cleaners of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish are dedicated to keeping the church clean so as to enhance our worship space. Contact Linda Burks at 419-474-0789 or lmburks@bex.net

Ushers welcome parishioners arriving for Mass at the doors. Help them with seating and answer questions if necessary, ask people to take gifts up and finish up with handing out bulletins. Contact Mary Keel, 419-944-8470 and marykeel47@yahoo.com.

Worship & Faith Formation Council
The mission of the Worship and Formation Council is to coordinate parish liturgies with solemn worship under proper rubrics and to promote active participation while welcoming all who attend. Contact Krista Gonzalez-Luce at 419-472-2288 or kgonzalezluce@mbsptoledo.org for more information.