Welcome Families of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish!
Youth Faith Formation will be the umbrella name that Religious Education, Confirmation, Youth Group, and OCIC fall underneath.
Religious Education is for youth, kindergarten through 6th grade, and will meet on Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm-7:30pm, in our Donnelly Neighborhood Center. Families/students will enter through the school office doors. Religious Education is led by Ryan Adamson and a team of VIRTUS certified volunteers that foster a relationship with Jesus Christ through teaching the traditions of the Catholic Church, in a grade separated environment. Youth in 2nd Grade Religious Education will be prepared for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Religious Education registration is online here on our parish website, opening on Friday, August 23rd and closing on Friday, September 13th. The first night of Religious Education will be held on Wednesday, September 18th, with parents in attendance. All further details including calendar, retreat information, fees, instruction, etc. will be found at the link below beginning on Friday, August 23rd.
The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is provided in the 8th grade year, and will be delivered through eight, in-person “Confirmation Connection” nights, that will be attended by the youth desiring Confirmation, and the Parent(s) and/or Sponsor. These nights will be personally led by Ryan Adamson and designed for our youth preparing for Confirmation to connect with their loved ones and parish, while receiving the guidance necessary to accept the gifts and responsibilities the Sacrament confers. “Confirmation Connection” nights will include youth who attend our Most Blessed Sacrament School as well. Those not attending Most Blessed Sacrament School are expected to attend Youth Group regularly on Sunday evenings as best as their calendar can accommodate. These nights will be held on select Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm-7:30pm, in our Donnelly Neighborhood Center. Registration is online here on our parish website, opening on Friday, August 23rd and closing on Friday, September 13th. The first “Confirmation Connection” night will be held on Wednesday, September 18th. All further details including calendar, retreat information, fees, instruction, etc. will be found at the link below beginning on Friday, August 23rd.
Youth Group is for 7th-12th graders from our parish, school, and area. It offers a series of regular events dedicated to fostering relationships with Jesus, friends, our parish, the Catholic Church, and the local community. Our events are thoughtfully designed to nourish teens’ souls and help them build a reliable foundation for their lives. Under the guidance of Ryan Adamson and the VIRTUS-certified Youth Ministry Volunteer Team, teens will have the chance to form close friendships, experience profound moments with God, and connect deeply with the parish community. Each gathering includes dinner, engaging activities, meaningful content, action, and prayer. 7th graders that would have registered for Religious Education on Wednesday evenings are now to register for Youth Group instead. We are also excited to announce that our Youth Group will now be known as ADORE! 7th-12th graders can join us on Sunday evenings from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Donnelly Neighborhood Center. Registration is online here on our parish website and opens Friday, August 23rd, and will remain open. Our first ADORE event is scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd. All further details including calendar, retreat information, fees, instruction, etc. will be found at the link below beginning on Friday, August 23rd.
It is increasingly common for youth to need and desire the reception of Sacraments past the typical time frame they would have received them. In order to accommodate these needs and welcome them into the fullness of the Catholic traditions we provide a process called “Order of Christian Initiation”. Many would have heard this as its former name “Rite of Christian Initiation”, or “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”, or “RCIA”. Our Youth Faith Formation efforts will use the title of “Order of Christian Initiation for Children” or “OCIC” (this title will also apply to teenagers). In order to begin this process please reach out to the Parish Office and Ryan Adamson.
Each of these opportunities thrives with the support of volunteers from our parish. If you or someone you know is interested in helping pass on our faith and traditions to young people by donating your time and presence, please reach out soon.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish and the trust you place in us by allowing us to help form your children’s relationship with Jesus and the Church. I will be reaching out again soon. I look forward to journeying with you this school year!
Ryan Adamson
Director of Formation and Engagement
(419) 472-2288 ext. 2204