ADORE (formally known as Youth Group) is a series of regular events dedicated to fostering relationships with Jesus, friends, our parish, the Catholic Church, and the local community. Our events are thoughtfully designed to nourish teens’ souls and help them build a reliable foundation for their lives. Under the guidance of Ryan Adamson and the VIRTUS-certified Youth Ministry Volunteer Team, teens will have the chance to form close friendships, experience profound moments with God, and connect deeply with the parish community. Each gathering includes dinner, engaging activities, meaningful content, action, and prayer.
ADORE (formally known as Youth Group) is for 7th-12th graders from our parish, school, and area.
7th graders that would have registered for Religious Education on Wednesday evenings are now to register for ADORE instead.
ADORE is on scheduled Sunday evenings from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
See the calendar below.
ADORE takes place in the Donnelly Neighborhood Center.
See the locations tab below for an exact Google Maps pin.
Location: The Donnelly Neighborhood Center
The Donnelly Neighborhood Center is located right next to Close Park along Bellevue Road, and just north of our church. The Center is home to our School, Gym, Kitchen, and Kelly Room.
Children/Teens will enter through the main doors off of Bellevue Road, get signed in, and follow the instructions of the ADORE volunteers. An exact Google Maps pin for the building is provided below.
There are no fees associated with ADORE. However we do ask that families please donate dinner(s) to ADORE. We are usually looking to feed 30-40 people per event, (that includes our volunteers). The simpler the better is always safe. If families want to team up to help with a dinner that is also always an option.
If anyone is interested in donating to ADORE that is also welcomed.
Electronic donations can be made through the link below. Make sure to select “Recurring” or “One-time” and then “Adore – Youth Group” from the drop down menu.
Check donations are to be presented to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) or the parish office and written out to “Most Blessed Sacrament Parish” and “ADORE” in the memo.
Cash donations are to be presented to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) or the parish office.
Our ADORE program thrives with the support of volunteers from our parish. If you or someone you know is interested in helping pass on our faith and traditions to young people by donating your time and presence, please reach out soon. All volunteers must be 18 years or older, and pass a background check and complete the online VIRTUS training. Contact The Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) to inquire further.

Communications related to ADORE will primarily be sent out to the emails addresses provided in the registration form, from The Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson).
Families may also receive emails via our parish wide Constant Contact tool, and text messages.
Safe Environments
Leadership and Volunteers
All volunteers must be 18 years or older, and pass a background check and complete the online VIRTUS training “Protecting God’s Children”. Contact The Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) to inquire further.
Inclement Weather
Winter Weather
If a level one is active ADORE will continue with an altered content plan for the event. Shifting to a simple and chill time to relax and hang out. If an individual, family, or ministry has signed up to donate all or part of a dinner they will be contacted to coordinate availability and potential changes.
If a level two or three is active and/or is heavily predicted to occur during the Religious Education then ADORE will be canceled for that evening.
Other Conditions (i.e. sickness, rain, flooding, wind, downed trees, etc.)
Registered families will be updated via email as to the availability of having the ADORE event. .
Behavioral Expectations
Youth Faith Formation is the umbrella name that Religious Education, Confirmation, Youth Group, and OCIC fall underneath. All Youth Faith Formation events/classes are an opportunity for children/teens to exercise respect and virtue. If a child/teen is struggling to behave respectfully towards leadership, volunteers, peers, and the facilities, we utilize the 1 – 2 – 3 approach to handle discipline issues with our participants. First, the Youth Faith Formation Volunteer(s) will try to redirect the student’s behavior in a positive direction. Second, the student will be given a verbal warning. Third, the student will be sent to the Director of Formation and Engagement (Ryan Adamson) and the parent will be notified. If further discipline is needed, a plan will be decided on between the Director and parents. Note that Youth Faith Formation Volunteer(s) are encouraged to discuss any situation with the parish staff and the parents. Everyone is expected to work together for what is best for all involved. We strive for positive behavioral reinforcement and choices.
Ryan Adamson
Director of Formation and Engagement
(419) 472-2288 ext. 2204